After millions lost to corruption, Glencore faces further scrutiny - Jeune Afrique

Frances Murrey, Partner in the Russell-Cooke Solicitors, crime and financial team.
Frances Murray
1 min Read

"Convicting executives would act as a deterrent whereas the corporate entity being convicted would only incur a large financial penalty, which wouldn't necessarily deter the larger corporates, because they have deep pockets."*

Speaking with Jeune Afrique, partner Frances Murray discusses whether convicting the individual executives involved in the Glencore corruption scandals would have a more significant impact on efforts to curb corruption. 

The full article is available to read online and by subscription to Jeune Afrique.

Frances is a partner in the fraud and criminal litigation team, and has defended investigations / prosecutions brought by the Serious Fraud Office, Financial Conduct Authority, HM Revenue and Customs, National Crime Agency, Architects Registration Board and the Crown Prosecution Service, as well as those prosecutions brought privately. 

(*Quote translated from the original French)

In the press Criminal and financial crime Glencore crime mining mining entity Africa corruption financial crime French Jeune Afrique article criminal law serious criminal offences fines convictions