Environmental commitment
Striving to improve the environmental sustainability of the firm and take significant steps towards carbon neutrality

Sustainability commitment: minimising environmental impact and fostering responsible business practices at Russell-Cooke
At Russell-Cooke we appreciate that, as a large business, we have a responsibility to the communities in which we operate. Our offices and our people have an impact on our local areas, on London and on the planet.
We therefore commit to carrying out our business in a responsible and sustainable way.
We do this by minimising our impact on the environment through an awareness of the resources we use, the waste we produce and the carbon emissions for which we are responsible. We also seek to proactively contribute to sustaining our natural resources where we can.
1. We aim to procure and use sustainable or recycled resources:
- paper – all of our paper comes from sustainable sources in Scandinavia and is FSC certified
- water – the firm has ceased buying bottled water and now provides plumbed-in water for clients and staff
- electricity – solar panels on the roof generate over 40kW of electricity which is pushed into the national grid. It is estimated that over the 20 year lifespan of the solar panels, they will save over 388 tonnes of CO2. Smart technology operates shutdowns for when the technology is not in use, from computers to lighting systems
- food and drink – the suppliers we use are committed to using fair trade produce where possible
2. We aim to reduce the waste we produce by re-using, donating and/or recycling the majority of our waste, including:
- old computers and other IT equipment
- paper and cardboard
- food waste
3. We aim to minimise carbon emissions arising from travel to work and within work
- we minimise travel between offices and to clients by using conference calls and video calls where possible
- we encourage the use of sustainable forms of transport, for example by offering annual season ticket loans and operating a cycle to work scheme
- we offset the firm's carbon emissions by sponsoring development projects around the world through Carbonfootprint.com
4. We seek to help sustain the bee population of London
Some years ago we installed beehives on the roof of our Putney office. We still maintain two thriving hives of Buckfast bees and annually produce honey which we supply to staff and clients.
Tackling the climate crisis will be the defining issue of our time. It will need the collective effort, not just of politicians and governments, but also of businesses and individuals
The carbon offsetting projects we have supported
The projects are selected by our staff and in most cases deliver not only an environmental benefit but also a development gain. For the year 2022-2023 the staff voted for the following projects:
MW wind power project in Marahashtra, India
Energising India solar power project
VEER small hydro power project in Maharashtra India
Our website runs on green energy
Green Web Foundation verified website
Russell-Cooke uses a verified green hosting provider, and supports the transition to a fossil-free internet.
It’s estimated that data centers alone are responsible for 1% – 2% of the world’s electricity demand. This electricity demand is often met by burning fossil fuels.
Our website is hosted by data centers using clean, green electricity is a way to reduce the carbon emissions associated with it.
Website carbon calculator
We used a Website Carbon Calculator to estimate the emissions attributed to the Russell-Cooke website. When analysed, it was found that this page was found to be 77% cleaner than all web pages globally.
Get in touch
Call us on +44 (0)20 3826 7550 or complete our enquiry form.