Medical negligence

Misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis claims

A young child patient holding a teddy bear. Russell-Cooke misdiagnosis claims solicitors

Introduction and overview

Sometimes doctors make mistakes by diagnosing the wrong condition or cause delays even when they eventually make the correct diagnosis. Conditions such as hip dysplasia, meningitis and cancer, for example, can be misdiagnosed with serious consequences for your health.

In our experience the common mistakes that can regularly lead to misdiagnosis are: 

  • failure to interpret test results accurately
  • failure to examine you properly or at all
  • failure to make a referral to the right specialist

These failures can lead to delays in treatment and can have a major impact upon your recovery and future health.

If you feel that you have suffered either physically or psychologically as a result of a misdiagnosis, then you may be able to claim compensation. 

How our medical negligence solicitors can help you

Whilst financial compensation is important, we also understand that you’ll want answers, and an apology, as well as assurances that the same mistakes won’t be made again. We achieve this for you by insisting that the medical trust provide a written apology as part of the settlement.

If you would like to make a claim for compensation for injury as a result of a misdiagnosis then feel free to get in contact with us and speak to one of our solicitors. The initial consultation will be free. One of our experienced lawyers will look into your case, discuss what happened and give you advice on whether you have a claim.

Why choose Russell-Cooke for misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis claims?

About our medical negligence team

The personal injury and clinical negligence team at Russell-Cooke are accredited lawyers, with many years of experience in dealing with these types of claims. We will do our best to get the settlement that you deserve. We are accredited by the Law Society for Clinical Negligence recognising our expertise in this area. We are also Lexcel accredited by the Law Society for excellence in legal practice management and client care. 

Various members of our medical negligence team are also on the Law Society and AVMA clinical negligence panels and have been accredited by APIL as Clinical Negligence Specialists.

Testimonials and legal directory quotes

We take pride in the hard work we put in to get the best outcome for you and your family. We are tenacious in getting the best settlements and leave no stone unturned in achieving this - but don’t take our word for it - we are ranked in Legal 500 and Chambers for our expertise. Here are some comments made about us. 

My solicitor was professional and extremely helpful.

Charging information

If we think you have a claim then you should not worry how you will fund it. It is likely that we will be able to take your case on a no-win no-fee basis. This means that you will only pay legal costs if you receive compensation and most of those costs will be covered by your opponent. If your claim is unsuccessful you will not have to pay anything.

Get in touch

If you would like to speak with a member of the team you can contact our medical negligence solicitors by email, by telephone on +44 (0)20 3826 7517 or complete our enquiry form below.

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