Back to work | How to reintegrate furloughed staff - HR Grapevine
If furloughed staff have been out of work for long periods of time, Jeremy Coy, senior associate in the employment team at Russell-Cooke, explained that it may take some time for them to get back into the swing of things.
Jeremy Coy told HR Grapevine: "Employees may take time to start working efficiently and collaboratively with others again, particularly if they are working remotely. Employees' performance may, therefore, drop off – at least initially."
Jeremy shared with HR Grapevine his top tips for employers on how to successfully reintegrate furloughed staff into their workforce and how to move forward in a post-lockdown economy.
Back to work | How to reintegrate furloughed staff is available to read on the HR Grapevine website via subscription.
Jeremy is a senior associate in the employment team. He has experience acting for large institutional employers as well as small and medium-sized businesses.
Jeremy also advises employees and senior executives, often at short notice on sensitive work-place issues such as restrictive covenants, discrimination and pay related disputes on bonuses, commission and incentive plans. He has particular experience in advising on settlement agreements and negotiating favourable severance payments for employees.