Falling out with a supplier: avoiding catastrophe - Ed Patton writes for Wandsworth Chamber of Commerce

Ed Patton, Associate in the Russell-Cooke Solicitors, dispute resolution team.
Ed Patton
1 min Read

For small and medium sized businesses, a dispute with a supplier can range from a minor inconvenience to a substantial problem. Some disputes can result in such a significant financial loss that they can put the future of a business in jeopardy. Litigation Associate Ed Patton's article in the latest issue of the Wandsworth Chamber of Commerce magazine, Business Connexions, looks at what businesses should do to protect themselves from the worst consequences of supplier disputes.

If both parties understand their obligations, then it should be possible to reach a commercial solution. Although it's preferable to resolve a dispute agreeably, there may also be commercial pressures that can be applied.

You can read Ed's full article here.

In the press Dispute resolution litigation businesses ed patton business connexions Wandsworth Chamber of Commerce disputes supplier disputes