How to keep planning applications on track during Covid-19 - The Planner

Alex Ground, Partner in the Russell-Cooke Solicitors, real estate, planning and construction team.
Alex Ground
1 min Read

The evolving coronavirus pandemic is having a significant impact across the economy, including on the planning and development control system. Not least, remote working and social distancing measures are necessitating new approaches to 'business as usual' processes such as local authority planning meetings, while the Government’s coronavirus response has also led to a number of important changes to the planning status quo.

However, the planning sector has shown determination and adaptability in its efforts to keep the system working. Partner Alex Ground and trainee Katherine Chambers take a look at the adjustments being made to ensure planning applications can still be submitted and assessed.

How to keep planning applications on track during Covid-19 is available to read on The Planner website. 

Alex is a partner in our real estate team. She advises on all aspects of planning, highways and compulsory purchase including planning applications, appeals, negotiating s106 agreements, challenges and enforcement.

She acts mainly for property developers, strategic land owners, property owners, energy companies and private individuals on a complete range of projects from major development projects to those for individuals.

In the press Property litigation Real Estate, planning and construction Russell-Cooke planning planning law property law coronavirus Covid-19