It’s Not Easy Being Green - Bernie Wales website

Shabnam Ali-Khan, Partner in the Russell-Cooke Solicitors, property law and conveyancing team.
Shabnam Ali-Khan
2 min Read

In the words of Kermit the Frog, “It’s Not Easy Being Green”. That’s particularly true in the world of leasehold property management right now. 

If leaseholders and property managers want to reduce their carbon footprint, the starting point is probably “what could be improved?”

Russell-Cooke partner Shabnam Ali-Khan appears on the Bernie Wales website to discuss methods Leaseholders can take to reduce the carbon footprint.

She says “Leaseholders in flats can open up a dialogue with their landlord or managing agent. See if there are ways to work together to help the environment. This could be something small such as changing to energy saving lightbulbs in the common areas to varying the leases to allow the installation of an electric vehicle charging point in a communal parking area.

"Leaseholders can also encourage each other to recycle and be more mindful when purchasing products to look at the packaging. Where there are leaseholders who have residents associations they should be moving to email only minutes of meetings rather than paper versions.”

Read the full article on the Bernie Wales website.

Shabnam is a partner in the enfranchisement team. She specialises in lease extension and enfranchisement matters, primarily under the Leasehold Reform Housing and Urban Development Act 1993 working with a variety of clients ranging from high net worth individuals and companies to individual leaseholders and investor landlords. Shabnam has carved out a niche in right of first refusal matters pursuant to the Landlord and Tenant Act 1987.

In the press Property law and conveyancing environment leaseholders carbon footprint green bernie wales russell-cooke shabnam ali-khan green landlords tenants