Pressure on SFO to charge Glencore execs after plea - Law360

Frances Murrey, Partner in the Russell-Cooke Solicitors, crime and financial team.
Frances Murray
1 min Read

"The plea will encourage the SFO to pursue investigations of this nature to demonstrate their credibility as a law enforcement agency".

Speaking with Law360, partner Frances Murray discussed what Glencore's surprise guilty plea means for the case and for the SFO as an agency. Up until now, the SFO has demonstrated a tendency to avoid charging individuals for large-scale wrongdoings. There are hopes that the commodities' giant guilty plea to charges of bribery will encourage the SFO to charge its executives.

The full article is available to read by subscription. 

Frances Murray's recent appointment as a partner at Russell-Cooke was also covered in the legal press. The New Law Journal,  Legal Business and Law630 covered the appointment.

More recently, covered her appointment in the international edition for May.

Frances is a partner in the fraud and criminal litigation team. Frances has defended investigations / prosecutions brought by the Serious Fraud Office, Financial Conduct Authority, HM Revenue and Customs, National Crime Agency, Architects Registration Board and the Crown Prosecution Service, as well as those prosecutions brought privately.

In the press Criminal and financial crime new partner criminal law fraud and criminal litigation partner appointment media coverage Glencore SFO Serious Fraud Office investigations