Russell-Cooke supports Family Mediation Week 2021

Camilla Thornton, Consultant in the Russell-Cooke Solicitors, family and children team.
Camilla Thornton
2 min Read

Russell-Cooke is pleased to support Family Mediation Week which takes place between 18 and 22 January 2021. The firm's family mediators will be offering half price Mediation Information and Assessment Meetings (MIAMs) and initial one-to-one first meetings over Zoom for the remainder of January.

Organised by the Family Mediation Council (FMC), Family Mediation Week is an annual campaign aimed at raising awareness of mediation and how it can help separating couples manage their issues collaboratively and productively.

The FMC is the umbrella family mediation organisation in England and Wales, which holds a register of trained mediation professionals. It promotes the use of mediation, provides a collaborative forum for mediators and works with the Ministry of Justice and other Government agencies in the interests of family mediators and their clients. It also establishes and develops professional standards for its mediators who train with its member organisations of which Resolution, the association of family law professionals, is one and trains family lawyers wishing to gain their accreditation.

Russell-Cooke's family team includes six family mediators who have extensive experience mediating all issues arising upon the breakdown of a relationship, whether financial or regarding children.

Russell-Cooke family consultant, Camilla Thornton, says: “It is our pleasure to support this great initiative. This past year has reinforced the need to consider alternative methods of dispute resolution as the traditional court process continues to be overly time-consuming, costly and ineffective in resolving delicate and emotional disputes. The pandemic and three lockdowns have put a huge amount of stress on couples and, sadly, many find themselves considering separation or divorce. Mediation is a fantastic alternative and needs to be brought to the forefront of family law. It gives couples more control of their arrangements, is quicker and cheaper than the court process and helps separating couples focus on the welfare of their children.”

News Family and children Russell-Cooke law firm solicitors family law divorce mediation dispute resolution alternative dispute resolution Family Mediation Council Family Mediation Week 2021