Who reviews the reviewers? - New Law Journal

John Gould, Senior partner in the Russell-Cooke Solicitors, regulation and compliance team.
John Gould
1 min Read

Despite research suggesting that consumers have little belief in the usefulness and credibility of reviews posted online, seven web platforms have nonetheless been selected for a pilot of review sites, with solicitors encouraged to engage with them.

Russell-Cooke Senior Partner John Gould writes in New Law Journal that, when it comes to the legal services market, the work of the Competition and Markets
Authority (CMA) over the last few years feels like a solution in search of a problem.

Who reviews the reviewers? is available to read on the New Law Journal via subscription. A full pdf is also free to read here.

John is Senior Partner of Russell-Cooke. His area of particular expertise is regulation and public law. He specialises in the analysis and solution of complex regulatory problems, advising regulators, government departments, law enforcement agencies, charities and statutory and professional bodies.

In the press Regulators Russell-Cooke John Gould Senior Partner New Law Journal reviewers regulatory Competition and Markets Authority CMA