Key issues in governance

James Sinclair Taylor, Consultant in the Russell-Cooke Solicitors, charity law and not for profit team. Andrew Studd, Partner in the Russell-Cooke Solicitors, charity law and not for profit team.
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1 min Read
James Sinclair Taylor, Andrew Studd

As we move into 2021 it is clear that the way people in all organisations are working has changed dramatically. Managing risks has always been crucial for charities but now more than ever with virtual meetings and working from home being a key factor of many employees’ lives, there are new risks that both organisations and individuals need to consider. Our team will explore some of these key issues in a series of webinars.

Charities and their trustees are increasingly aware of the more robust approach being taken by the Charity Commission to the regulation of charities. In this webinar we will explore some of the key guidance for trustees, things that continue to cause issues and how to adapt your governance processes to the current virtual world some of which are likely to continue even after the current crisis is over.

James Sinclair Taylor and Andrew Studd will look at:

  • a reminder about the duties of trustees
  • the meaning of "transparent and accountable governance"
  • the Governance Code and some issues to look out for when undertaking a governance review
  • how to engage and induct new trustees in a virtual world
Video Charities James Sinclair Taylor Andrew Studd Charity Commission regulation trustees governance governance processes trustee duties governance code reviews transparent and accountable governance