About Andrew
Andrew is known for having a detail-orientated approach and providing accessible advice. He focuses on resolving disputes co-operatively where possible, and pursuing them robustly through the courts where necessary.
Andrew has extensive experience in resolving hostile disputes since he qualified as a solicitor with Russell-Cooke in 2016.
He specialises in dealing with succession, probate and trust disputes.
Andrew regularly advises in relation to Inheritance Act 1975 claims, domicile disputes, will challenges, removal applications, property trust disputes and trust, estate and administration issues.
Andrew Morgan is a real rising star.
Cross-border succession disputes: acting in a complex dispute as to the law that will govern the succession to an estate straddling several common law and civil law jurisdictions.
Will construction and rectification: acting in a claim concerning the interpretation and rectification of a will where an error came to light after the deceased passed away. The matter was determined at trial.
Will challenges: acting for an adult child where their father made a will several years after a diagnosis of dementia. A settlement was negotiated through correspondence.
Disputed lifetime transaction: acting for an adult child who challenged their mother’s transfer of equity to their siblings. The matter settled before trial.
Inheritance Act 1975 claims: acting for a minor child defending a claim against their parent’s estate involving eligibility and paternity issues. The dispute settled following mediation.
Property trust disputes: acting for a sibling in a family dispute concerning the ownership of a mixed commercial and residential property. The dispute had been ongoing for well over a decade and settled at mediation.
I worked closely with Andrew Morgan, a senior associate on one matter. I found him to be knowledgeable and with a good eye for detail. He was very on top of the case and worked closely with Counsel to achieve the desired outcome for the client.
Member of ACTAPS (Association of Contentious Trust and Probate Specialists)
Andrew's highlights

Capacity to litigate: a step towards clarity?—Solicitors Journal

Lessons for blessings: analysis of Folds Farm Trustees LTD & Others (2024)—ThoughtLeaders4

What happens if my partner dies and the bills are in their name?—The Sunday Times