Internal perspectives

We provide as much independent and objective evidence to prospective clients as we can but there other sources of information which are not independent but which give useful commentary on internal views and some comparison of Russell Cooke with other firms.
Annually, Russell Cooke surveys its employees to check that levels of motivation and satisfaction remain high. Happy and motivated people ought to be a key criteria in selecting any professional service organisation.
Staff were asked to score their answers on a scale of 1 to 6 with 1 being ‘strongly disagree’ and 6 being ‘strongly agree’. The statement that the firm is friendly with a good ethic received a weighted average of 5.24. It was clear that employees most value team working, strong line management and a friendly and collegiate working environment.
Many of Russell-Cooke's staff arrive with experience of other legal firms and naturally we’re keen to find out how things here look from a fresh perspective. Perhaps as might be expected, there are few negative comments from new starters but here are some of their perspectives:
Putting learning at the core of client solutions
"Russell-Cooke puts the application of real legal learning at the heart of everything it does for clients. It adds value for clients by solving legal problems, not just managing processes efficiently. In my previous firm, we tended to work in ways which reduced everything to routine processes."
A wealth of Specialisations at Russell-Cooke
"Russell-Cooke is big enough and broad enough to have real specialists in areas other firms don’t reach. I find this useful because it means I can confidently refer clients who have put their trust in me to colleagues for specialist advice in other areas."
Undertaking work of the highest quality
"Russell-Cooke’s lawyers undertake work of the highest quality and sophistication. In my previous firm there was much more emphasis on promotional activity and trumpeting the work that had been done. It was a larger firm, but they actually had less to shout about than Russell-Cooke."
Client-centric culture
"Russell-Cooke’s culture is to put the client first – it’s a strong ally for people with problems. The culture of some law firms makes them feel simply like businesses operated by businessmen who happen to be lawyers."
Delivering value through efficiency
"Russell-Cooke’s cost base is tightly controlled, which allows it to deliver value for a wider range of clients. I act now for many substantial ex-clients of larger firms who have sought a better-value alternative."
Respected by peers, trusted by clients
"The firm has a very good reputation among other lawyers who regard it as a serious player in many specialist areas. I was struck by the number of Russell-Cooke clients who were lawyers, and also by how many clients had been referred by other lawyers."
Embracing diversity and excellence
"Russell-Cooke has a very contemporary feel. It’s a very ‘London’ firm, with a good mix of people, clients and expertise. I was pleased to find people from many backgrounds all getting on, and it’s also good that the firm has a high proportion of women partners."
A commitment to publicly-funded services
"It’s special today to find lawyers with a national reputation committed to delivering publicly-funded services within a large firm. I knew Russell-Cooke did some publicly funded work, although most large law firms regard it as unprofitable. What I hadn’t realised was that this was a planned and deliberate contribution based on the firm’s values."
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