Medical negligence funding information

Exploring compensation claim funding options
The main funding options relevant to compensation claims are set out below. We would be pleased to offer potential clients a free no obligation half hour interview or an initial assessment over the telephone to discuss the likelihood of pursuing a claim and discuss the various funding options available to you.
Public funding/Legal Aid Agency
This was abolished for most injury claims in April 2000. However, it is still available for clinical claims and as we have a contract with the Legal Aid Agency we can apply for you.
No win, no fee"/Conditional fee agreements
These are agreements between you and a firm of solicitors. If you win, the other side pays your solicitor's costs and if you lose your solicitor does not get paid.
However losing could mean that you have to pay the other side's costs, but you can protect yourself by taking out an insurance policy which will pay the other side's costs if you lose.
Legal expenses insurance
We recommend that you check all insurance policies (including any belonging to other family members) as you might be covered for solicitors fees for accident claims and you will still be able to instruct us to act for you.
Your own money
You can pay your own costs and we will ask you to pay for the work as the case progresses. Costs can be expensive and if you lose you could end up paying the other side's fees as well.
Get in touch
If you would like to speak with a member of the team you can contact our medical negligence solicitors by email, by telephone on +44 (0)20 3826 7517 or complete our enquiry form below.