A beginner’s guide to dilapidations claims for landlords
Associate Jack Crown outlines the seven key considerations to ensure landlords are well-prepared to protect their interests at the end of a commercial lease.
Commercial leases typically require tenants to keep and return the property in a good state of repair, in a good decorative condition, and with alterations removed. If the tenant returns the property at the end of the lease in a state of disrepair, the landlord will be entitled to seek damages from the tenant. Here are seven key considerations for landlords when making a dilapidations claim.
7. Recording the terms of settlement
Most dilapidations negotiations lead to a settlement. If settlement can be achieved then it is crucial that it is properly recorded in a document which protects the landlord’s legal position and is signed by both parties. On the other hand, if a settlement is not possible then litigation is likely to be the result.
Jack Crown is in the property litigation team and advises on all types of property dispute resolution, including for example break notices, commercial rent arrears, dilapidations, forfeiture, along with residential landlord and tenant claims. Jack also advises on disputes involving trespass, nuisance, building works, misrepresentation, rights of way and adverse possession.