Providing objectivity as trustee

Clare Jeffries, Partner in the Russell-Cooke Solicitors, private client team.
Clare Jeffries
2 min Read

One of our partners was approached to act as trustee alongside divorced parents of a trust for their disabled daughter. The partner was chosen on the basis of her experience in acting for families where there is a disabled child and her trust expertise; however, the parents were glad to know of the possibility of appointing Russell-Cooke Trust Company (RCTC) as trustee, giving continuity which is not dependent on an individual trustee who could retire or die. Behind the corporate entity, they have the benefit of the experience of the directors who have expertise between them in a wide range of areas of the law. Expertise in mediation and experience of dealing with investment advisers and decision making within trusts has so far been relevant. RCTC liaises also with the investment advisers and accountants appointed by the trust. Behind RCTC are individuals skilled in the more personal aspects of forming a relationship with the principal beneficiary in order to be able to advised RCTC about her expectations and what may be in her best interests. There is the ideal combination of corporate entity and continuity with personal empathy and expertise.

Notable work Private client