How to deal with vexatious litigants in the civil jurisdiction—Solicitors Journal
Partner Matt Bosworth has written an article in Solicitors Journal, exploring the impacts of vexatious litigants on the judicial system and the challenges they create for opposing parties. Matt delves into the emotional and financial toll these cases impose on defendants, particularly when faced with persistent and unfounded claims designed to harass. He explains the various legal strategies and court powers available to counter such cases, including the use of civil restraint orders and the rare application of Section 42 orders. Additionally, Matt offers insights on preparing clients for the complexities of navigating litigation with vexatious opponents.
The courts recognise the need to restrain vexatious litigants... Opponents harassed by the worry and expense of vexatious litigation are entitled to protection; judicial resources, already stretched thin, must not be squandered on those without genuine grievances. This conduct causes serious injustice to those forced to respond and wastes precious court resources."
The full article is available to read online from the Solicitors Journal.
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