Legal guide to startups: shareholders' agreements

Legal guide to startups: shareholders' agreements

Guy Wilmot, Partner in the Russell-Cooke Solicitors, corporate and commercial team.
Guy Wilmot
1 min Read

Welcome to the second episode of the legal guide for startups video series

Russell-Cooke's corporate and commercial law team run through the process of setting up a business in the UK. In this second video we discuss shareholders' agreements.

Using the example of Gina, our fictional client, and her tech startup Streamzer, Alexandra explains that shareholders' agreement are a useful way of establishing clear terms to guide the allocation of shares, to dictate procedure in the case of a dispute between shareholders and even set up a protocol should the company face insolvency.

Episode sections

0:00 - Introduction

1:18 - Does Gina need a shareholders' agreement? 

2:24 - What do shareholders' agreement cover? 

2:36 - Who sits on the board of directors?

3:15 -  How decisions are made? 

4:26 - How can shareholder sell their shares? 

4:43 - What restrictions founders are under if they leave the business? 

5:15 - Why do I need a shareholders' agreement if I have articles of association? 

6:11 - Thinking about investment

How our corporate and commercial law solicitors can help you

Our corporate and commercial team advise a range of clients from startups through to SMEs and more established businesses across a variety of sectors including software/technology, e-commerce, retail, travel and hospitality, security businesses, real estate, financial services, recruitment, and social media.

Get in touch

If you would like to speak with a member of the team you can contact our corporate and commercial solicitors by email, by telephone on +44 (0)20 3826 7511 or complete our enquiry form below.

Video Start-ups Corporate and commercial law Russell-Cooke startups corporate commercial shareholders agreements contracts tutorial guide shareholder agreements Articles of Association Investment Guy Wilmot Legal guide for startups