About Vanessa
Having been a private client solicitor for more than 20 years, my wealth of experience enables me to quickly evaluate and understand issues that clients face in sometimes very difficult circumstances. It further enables me to provide clear legal advice to progress matters effectively and expediently for all concerned.
Vanessa has 20 years’ experience in private client work in London law firms. She qualified as a solicitor in 2003 and became a director in 2011.
Vanessa has gained a vast wealth of experience in many aspects of this area of law. She has dealt successfully with many complex issues ranging from will disputes, to matters in the Court of Protection including medical treatment cases. She has also represented clients in Coroner’s Court at Inquests.
Vanessa joined Russell-Cooke in November 2023.
Vanessa Collins is a specialist in Court of Protection work. I have found Vanessa helpful and encouraging.
- Estate and succession planning
- Will drafting/letter of wishes/advanced decisions
- All aspects of probate (contentious and non)
- Court of protection matters including deputyship applications for personal welfare and property & financial affairs, in particular for individuals with disabilities and special educational needs (SEN)
- Statutory will applications
- Lasting, enduring and general powers of attorneys
- Advising and representing families at Inquests in the coroner’s court
- Serious medical treatment cases (including withdrawal of treatment) adults and children
Notable work
- Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Local Health Board v RY & CP [2016] EWHC 3256 (Fam) acting for an individual litigant
- Guy’s and St Thomas’ Children’s NHS Foundation Trust v Pippa Knight (by an officer of Cafcass and her Children’s Guardian) [2021] EWHC 25 (Fam)
- Msc International Relations and Human Rights, Southampton University
- GDL, LPC College of Law, Guildford
- Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP)
- Private Client Section of the Law Society
- Solicitors for the Elderly
- Court of Protection Practitioners Association
- Women in Wills
Vanessa's highlights

Assisted Dying Bill 2024—where are we?

Russell-Cooke obtains rare Welfare Deputyship on behalf of family of SEN young adult

Billions of pounds worth of assets remain unclaimed as it’s taboo to talk about death: let’s start the conversation